I guess you want to order some cookies, huh? This store is kinda mothballed, so if you want some cookies, go to
and check out the Rogue Bakery website http://roguebakery.com for more info about our cookies!
To celebrate the I'M NOT A SNICKERDOODLE! being featured as one of the "Things Rebecca Zimmer Loves" in the November 18th issue of the Columbus Alive [http://bit.ly/dtLT7p], here's a chance for you to have a taste of this cookie. I mean, are you going to take her word for it…? ;)
I'M NOT A SNICKERDOODLE! is a very…misunderstood cookie. It's not a Snickerdoodle. It kind of resembles one, but that is the only thing it has in common with it. The biggest difference is that there is no cinnamon in the cookie. None at all. Instead, it incorporates brown sugar, creamy butter, and real vanilla beans, creating a crisp exterior and soft interior, with caramel overtones.
It also has these little sugar sprinkle crystals on top. I like those. They're pretty. Ooooo...pretty.